google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: archaeology
Showing posts with label archaeology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label archaeology. Show all posts

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Map of the Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Clark County, Ohio

Map of the Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Clark County, Ohio

Archaeological map of the burial mounds and earthworks in Clark county, Ohio. The only mound that is still visible is the Enon Mound in Mad River Township. Take a tour of all the large burial mounds in Ohio here.

Enon mound is one of the larger Adena burial mounds that is still visible in Ohio.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Butler County, Ohio Reily Cemetery Mound

Butler County, Ohio Reily Cemetery Mound

The position of this mound is on an upland terrace next to a small creek called Little Indian that is a tributary to the Miami River. Reily Cemetery located in the town of Reily, Ohio.  

he Mound Builders, Archaeology of Butler County, Ohio, 1879:
On a hill west of the village of Reily, and near the cemetery, on section twenty-one, located in the woods on the farm of P. Wunder, is a mound ten feet high by fifty feet diameter. Many years ago this was dug into, and many earthen vessels taken from it. An oak tree of considerable size is growing on the side of the mound.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Archaeological Atlas and Photos of the Ancient Mounds in Brown County, Ohio

Photos of the Ancient Mounds in Brown County, Ohio

The ancient remains of Brown County are chiefly mounds, enclosures and cists.  It cannot be said that any law governing the arrangement or distribution of these works has been discovered. They are, perhaps, most numerous in the valleys near the Ohio, but they are found on the flat lands in the north of the county, and also on the most inaccessible places. A small mound is situated on the summit of the hill called Bald Point, near Georgetown.

Small Adena burial mound near Georgetown in Brown County, Ohio

 Two mounds near the Ohio, not far from Aberdeen, are the largest in the county. The purpose for which the mounds were built is unknown. They may have been surmounted with houses and approachable only with ladders, or foundations for watch towers and signal stations, or places of worship and sacrifice. A more common view is that the mounds were places of sepulture and memorials raised over the dead  the largest mounds being erected in honor of distinguished personages. 

Sepulchers for Ohio's Giant Race.
The History of Brown County, Ohio, 1883
Mastodonic remains are occasionally unearthed, and, from time to time, discoveries of the remains of Indian settlements are indicated by the appearance of gigantic skeletons, with the high cheekbones, powerful jaws and massive frames peculiar of the red man, who left these as the only record with which to form a clew to the history of past ages.

One of Ohio's largest Adena burial mounds is located in Brown County, Ohio.  It is currently being obliterated for a few bushels of corn.

About a mile to the west from the last mound is this smaller sepulcher.

Adena burial mound overlooking the Ohio River in the town of Aberdeen. The mound is not preserved not marked and is left overgrown in the summer months.

Arched stone tombs, many times contained the remains of giant humans.

The notion that they contain the remains of vast heaps of dead fallen in great battles is wholly unsupported by the facts obtained from excavations and examinations. But one or two skeletons are usually found in these mounds, and where many are found, it is probable that the later Indians, and, in some cases, Europeans, have buried their dead in them. The new American Cyclopedia assumes, from facts and circumstances deemed suflicient to enable us to arrive at approximate conclusions concerning the antiquity of the Mound-Builders’ records, that we may infer, for most of those monuments in the Mississippi Valley, an age of not less than 2.000 years. “ By whom built, whether their authors migrated to remote lands under the combined attractions of a more fertile soil and more genial clime, or whether they disappeared beneath the victorious arms of an alien race or were swept out of existence by some direful epidemic or universal famine, are questions probably beyond the power of human investigations to answer. History is silent concerning them, and their very name is lost to tradition itself.” The inclosures, which seem to have been works of defense, and are commonly called ancient forts, in Brown County are not numerous or important. 

Small irregular stone mounds were also found in Brown County that mark the graves of the ancient Shawnee under the archaeological guise of the Ft. Ancient peoples.

There are several prehistoric cemeteries in this county, and in some of them a number of skeletons have been found, and frequently implements in connection with the skeletons. The bodies were usually placed in shallow graves, on the sides and ends of which were placed stones on edge, forming a stone box or cist. It has been doubted by some whether these graves are as ancient as the mounds. They were found both in the northern and southern part of the county, but they attracted the  most attention at the mouth of Eagle Creek. James Finley, Postmaster at West Union, on February 1, 1809, wrote: “Graves are found in different parts of the county. The bodies are deposited in sepulchers made by digging the grave about three feet wide and walling it up with flat stones. The small bones crumble to dust when touched; the large ones are yet sound. Several of these graves are on the bank of the Ohio just above Eagle Creek. The bank has fallen away, and they appear like the end of a conduit made for the conveyance of water.” The archaeological remains of Brown County are not so numerous or extensive as those of Ross, Pickaway and Warren Counties; yet here,as in almost the whole of the Ohio Valley, are found traces of a numerous and busy ancient and now extinct race, not of nomadic tribes, but tillers of the soil, workers in copper mines and builders of extensive towns and works of defense—a people with fixed laws, customs and religious rites. Many of the prehistoric works of the county have been obliterated by the cultivation of the soil, and few of them have been accurately surveyed and described. The ancient remains of other counties in Southern Ohio have attracted more attention from writers on American antiquities than any in Brown. 

Archaeological Atlas of the Mounds Earthworks and Petroglyphs of Belmont County, Ohio

Archaeological Atlas of the Mounds Earthworks and Petroglyphs of Belmont County, Ohio

Archaeological map of Belmont County, Ohio showing the location of burial mounds and earthworks along with the Barnsville petroglyphs.


Belmont county is important archeological as fine examples of the so-called
petroglyphs, or Indian Rocks pictures. Petroglyphs are found in several counties of the state, Manley those bordering the Ohio river, where they generally appear cut into the comparatively smooth surfaces of the exposed sandstone of the coal
measures bordering the river. A number of these rock pictures, however, are 
located independently of streams, as in Belmont and Jackson counties. 

The Barnesville Track Rocks, as the Belmont county petroglyphs have been styled, are situated within the city of Barnesville, in Warren township. They are cut or pecked into the coarse sandstone grit, the tools used in most cases having been
of stone. The Barnesville petroglyphs consist mostly of the outlines of the humanfootprint, of the footprints of various birds and animals, of the human face, of serpents, etc. 
Along the river in the eastern Belmont county are located numerous mounds, 
burials and village sites, while in the western portion of the county are other 
mounds, village sites and earthworks. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ashland County, Ohio Burial Mounds And Earthworks

Ashland County, Ohio Burial Mounds And Earthworks

Archaeological Map of the Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Ashland County, Ohio


Ashland county is remarkable among the northern counties 
of the state for the comparatively large number of earthen en- 
closures it contains. Most of these enlosures are quite small, and 
are both the circular and elliptical, and the rectangular type. 
Green township in particular is rich in these enclosures, while 
Mohican township also contains a number.

 The abundance of earthworks in southern Ashland County 
possibly may be due in part to the fact that the Great Trail passed 
through this section, crossing the headwaters of the Mohican river 
and the numerous streams tributary thereto. Numerous burials, 
old village sites, etc., together with the many stone implements 
found show that southern Ashland county was a scene of consider- 
able activity in aboriginal times. 

Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Earthworks In Allen County, Ohio

Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Earthworks In Allen County, Ohio

Archaeological Atlas of Allen County, Ohio


While of considerable importance as an Indian country in early historic times, Allen County was not topographically suited to the continuous aboriginal         occupation, and consequently few earth works are found within its territory.  The fact that  much of northwestern Ohio, previous to    the settlement of the country  before the whites was at certain seasons rather inclined to be swampy,          accounts for the comparatively few prehistoric remains in that territory. The  "Mound Builder" naturally plied the   art from which he takes his name, most assiduously in those  sections of the state where conditions most favored permanent and continuous habitation. 
Occasional burials and old camp and village sites and a few mounds, are found in Allen county. An important aboriginal trail traversed the western part of the    county, following the course of the Auglaize river, connecting with trails from  the lower Scioto on the south and with the Maumee river at the mouth of the      Auglaize, 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Scioto County, Ohio Archaeological Atlas

Scioto County, Ohio Archaeological Atlas
Mounds and earthwork locations in Scioto County, Ohio