google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Earthworks In Allen County, Ohio

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Earthworks In Allen County, Ohio

Prehistoric Burial Mounds and Earthworks In Allen County, Ohio

Archaeological Atlas of Allen County, Ohio


While of considerable importance as an Indian country in early historic times, Allen County was not topographically suited to the continuous aboriginal         occupation, and consequently few earth works are found within its territory.  The fact that  much of northwestern Ohio, previous to    the settlement of the country  before the whites was at certain seasons rather inclined to be swampy,          accounts for the comparatively few prehistoric remains in that territory. The  "Mound Builder" naturally plied the   art from which he takes his name, most assiduously in those  sections of the state where conditions most favored permanent and continuous habitation. 
Occasional burials and old camp and village sites and a few mounds, are found in Allen county. An important aboriginal trail traversed the western part of the    county, following the course of the Auglaize river, connecting with trails from  the lower Scioto on the south and with the Maumee river at the mouth of the      Auglaize,