google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Archaeological Atlas of the Mounds Earthworks and Petroglyphs of Belmont County, Ohio

Friday, February 14, 2014

Archaeological Atlas of the Mounds Earthworks and Petroglyphs of Belmont County, Ohio

Archaeological Atlas of the Mounds Earthworks and Petroglyphs of Belmont County, Ohio

Archaeological map of Belmont County, Ohio showing the location of burial mounds and earthworks along with the Barnsville petroglyphs.


Belmont county is important archeological as fine examples of the so-called
petroglyphs, or Indian Rocks pictures. Petroglyphs are found in several counties of the state, Manley those bordering the Ohio river, where they generally appear cut into the comparatively smooth surfaces of the exposed sandstone of the coal
measures bordering the river. A number of these rock pictures, however, are 
located independently of streams, as in Belmont and Jackson counties. 

The Barnesville Track Rocks, as the Belmont county petroglyphs have been styled, are situated within the city of Barnesville, in Warren township. They are cut or pecked into the coarse sandstone grit, the tools used in most cases having been
of stone. The Barnesville petroglyphs consist mostly of the outlines of the humanfootprint, of the footprints of various birds and animals, of the human face, of serpents, etc. 
Along the river in the eastern Belmont county are located numerous mounds, 
burials and village sites, while in the western portion of the county are other 
mounds, village sites and earthworks.