google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: mound
Showing posts with label mound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mound. Show all posts

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Mt. Vernon, Ohio (Knox County) Adena Mounds in the City Cemetery

Mt. Vernon, Ohio (Knox County) Adena Mounds in the City Cemetery

The Adena burial mound was excavated by the Ohio Historical Society and then used to entomb a historic burial.

Map of the mound published in the Ohio Archaeological Atlas.

The mound is much reduced today with the expansion of the vault and additonal burials. Photo tour of the largest burial mounds in Ohio here.

Another large Adena mound is also located in the cemetery that has also been desecrated by building a vault into the side.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

There are other striking facts which seem to prove that the ancient Britons first peopled this country. Ancient mounds, walls, embankments, and parallels, such as are found in this country, exist throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The Picts painted themselves in different colors, like the aborigines of this continent. The ancient British Druids were buried in mounds. Among the ornaments worn by the British Druid was one like the ordinary plummet-stone of the Indians. In our mounds, grates or fireplaces are discovered containing charcoal and partially burnt human bones. The British Druids burnt human beings in the performance of their rites.", condensed. The author then goes on to describe Welsh, Scandinavian, and Roman remains found in various parts of North and South America, even stating that "many fragments of Roman armour have been found here." One author is satisfied that the inscriptions accompanying the "Cremation Scene" on the Davenport tablets are Hittite; but naively adds " It may be some time yet before our knowledge of the Hittite language will enable us to arrive at perfectly accurate translations of the inscriptions." — Campbell.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Serpentine Stone Enclosure at Spruce Hill in Ross County, Ohio

Serpentine Stone Enclosure at Spruce Hill in Ross County, Ohio

Serpentine stone work is located on the lowland at the bottom of the hill where Spruce Hill is located. Numerous henge type earthworks are located around Chillicothe that were also 250 feet in diameter. The length of 250 was used by the later Adena Hopewell to represent the Sun deity.

There were several of these clusters of earthworks around Chillicothe, Ohio that were 250 in circumference.  

     A unique work is situated in the little valley of "Black run," a small tributary of Paint creek, and is distant about fifteen miles from Chillicothe. It is indicated by the letter E.  The walls are composed of stones; but if ever regularly laid up, they are now thrown down, though not greatly scattered. The outlines are clearly defined, and can be exactly traced. The body of the work is elliptical in shape, its conjugate diameter being one hundred and seventy feet, its transverse two hundred and fifty feet. There is a single opening or gateway, fifty feet wide, on the south, where the walls curve outwards and lap back upon themselves for the space of sixty feet. The most remarkable feature of this singular work consists of five walls, starting within ten feet of the unbroken line of the elliptical enclosure, and extending thence northward, slightly converging, for the distance of one hundred feet. The lines of the outer walls, if prolonged, would intersect each other at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet. These walls are twenty feet broad at the ends nearest the enclosure, and ten feet apart. They diminish gradually, as they recede, to ten feet at their outer extremities. The western wall is nearly obliterated; the stones for the construction of all the "cabin" hearths and chimneys in the neighborhood having been taken from this spot. The western portion of the wall of the ellipse has also suffered from the same cause. The amount of stone embraced in the outer walls is considerable, probably sufficient to construct walls of equal length, six feet broad and eight feet high. They now exhibit but slight evidence of ever having been regularly laid up, and more resemble mounds of stones rudely thrown together. The stones have been removed from a section of the central wall, to the base; but we have been unable to ascertain that the operation disclosed relics of any kind. The wall of the body of the work appears considerably lighter than those last mentioned, and it is now quite impossible to determine whether it was ever regularly constructed. The stones cover a space fifteen or twenty feet broad, and are irregularly heaped together to the height of perhaps three feet. The work is overgrown with briers, bushes, and trees; which, when in leaf, completely hide its features from view, and render a satisfactory examination impossible. In the autumn or spring, the entire outline of the work is distinctly visible.
The purposes of this strange work are entirely inexplicable: its small size precludes the idea of a defensive origin. It is the only structure of the kind which has yet been discovered in the valleys, and it is totally unlike those found on the hills. The great "Stone Fort" on Paint creek is but two miles distant, and overlooks this work; both may be regarded as belonging to the same era, and as probably in some way connected with each other.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Collosus Conus: Miamisburg, Ohio Adena Burial Mound

Miamisburg Burial Mound

The largest burial mound in Ohio is located in Miamisburg, Ohio.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hopewell Sioux Mound Builders Earthworks Discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio

Ancient American, Sioux Mound Builders Earthworks Discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio

A Hopewell Sioux Earthwork has been discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio.  The earthworks was one of four that were all 250 feet in diameter.  Henges of 250 were generally aligned to the the Equinox sunrise.

Henge group located of a terrace of a hill above Water Street in downtown Chillicothe, Ohio. A thorough  investigation of the city has yet to be done, but it is believed that there are more remnants of earthworks in the City.

Remnant of one of the small 250 foot diameter henges is still visible in this lawn overlooking Water Street.

Another group of Hopewell Sioux henges located in Chillicothe, Ohio that were 250 feet in diameter. This group has not been located, but may still be visible.  Many other works around Chillicothe were also 250 feet.  Certain evidence that the Ancient American Mound Builders were using mathematics to construct the many works in this area.

Article is from "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley."