google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: England
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ancient Serpent Solar Symbolism at the Portmouth, Ohio Earthworks

Ancient Serpent Solar Symbolism at the Portmouth, Ohio Earthworks

Top is the Serpentine work at Portsmouth Ohio with a sacred via that leads to the Serpent's head. Identical iconography is found at the Avebury works in England. There is little doubt that these two works were constructed by the same people.

The serpent prevailed in Egypt, Greece, and Assyria, and entered widely into the superstitions of the Celts, the Hindu, and the Chinese. It even penetrated into America; and was conspicuous in the mythology of the ancient Mexicans, among whom its significance does not seem to have differed materially from that which it possessed in the old world. The fact that the ancient Celts, and perhaps other nations of the old continent, erected sacred structures in the form of the serpent, are one of high interest. Of this description was the great temple of Avebury, in England—in many respects the most imposing ancient monument of the British Islands.

                                          Egyptian figure of the "Sun" embraced by the serpent

Britain's largest henge at Avebury measuring 1250 in diameter. It is England's largest henge, that was accompanied with a serpentine sacred via of standing stones. The largest henge in the Ohio Valley, is the henge at Newark, also 1250 feet in diameter. Early historians, noted the similarities of Avebury with the works at Portsmouth, Ohio.

The earthwork at Portsmouth, Ohio is symbolically identical to its counterpart in England.  Both were constructed by the Beaker People.

Discover the Lost Migration of England's Mound Builders to the Ohio Valley

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

There are other striking facts which seem to prove that the ancient Britons first peopled this country. Ancient mounds, walls, embankments, and parallels, such as are found in this country, exist throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The Picts painted themselves in different colors, like the aborigines of this continent. The ancient British Druids were buried in mounds. Among the ornaments worn by the British Druid was one like the ordinary plummet-stone of the Indians. In our mounds, grates or fireplaces are discovered containing charcoal and partially burnt human bones. The British Druids burnt human beings in the performance of their rites.", condensed. The author then goes on to describe Welsh, Scandinavian, and Roman remains found in various parts of North and South America, even stating that "many fragments of Roman armour have been found here." One author is satisfied that the inscriptions accompanying the "Cremation Scene" on the Davenport tablets are Hittite; but naively adds " It may be some time yet before our knowledge of the Hittite language will enable us to arrive at perfectly accurate translations of the inscriptions." — Campbell.