google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

Hittite Tablet Discovered in Iowa Burial Mound

There are other striking facts which seem to prove that the ancient Britons first peopled this country. Ancient mounds, walls, embankments, and parallels, such as are found in this country, exist throughout England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. The Picts painted themselves in different colors, like the aborigines of this continent. The ancient British Druids were buried in mounds. Among the ornaments worn by the British Druid was one like the ordinary plummet-stone of the Indians. In our mounds, grates or fireplaces are discovered containing charcoal and partially burnt human bones. The British Druids burnt human beings in the performance of their rites.", condensed. The author then goes on to describe Welsh, Scandinavian, and Roman remains found in various parts of North and South America, even stating that "many fragments of Roman armour have been found here." One author is satisfied that the inscriptions accompanying the "Cremation Scene" on the Davenport tablets are Hittite; but naively adds " It may be some time yet before our knowledge of the Hittite language will enable us to arrive at perfectly accurate translations of the inscriptions." — Campbell.