google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Serpent Mound
Showing posts with label Serpent Mound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Serpent Mound. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Ancient Serpent Solar Symbolism at the Portmouth, Ohio Earthworks

Ancient Serpent Solar Symbolism at the Portmouth, Ohio Earthworks

Top is the Serpentine work at Portsmouth Ohio with a sacred via that leads to the Serpent's head. Identical iconography is found at the Avebury works in England. There is little doubt that these two works were constructed by the same people.

The serpent prevailed in Egypt, Greece, and Assyria, and entered widely into the superstitions of the Celts, the Hindu, and the Chinese. It even penetrated into America; and was conspicuous in the mythology of the ancient Mexicans, among whom its significance does not seem to have differed materially from that which it possessed in the old world. The fact that the ancient Celts, and perhaps other nations of the old continent, erected sacred structures in the form of the serpent, are one of high interest. Of this description was the great temple of Avebury, in England—in many respects the most imposing ancient monument of the British Islands.

                                          Egyptian figure of the "Sun" embraced by the serpent

Britain's largest henge at Avebury measuring 1250 in diameter. It is England's largest henge, that was accompanied with a serpentine sacred via of standing stones. The largest henge in the Ohio Valley, is the henge at Newark, also 1250 feet in diameter. Early historians, noted the similarities of Avebury with the works at Portsmouth, Ohio.

The earthwork at Portsmouth, Ohio is symbolically identical to its counterpart in England.  Both were constructed by the Beaker People.

Discover the Lost Migration of England's Mound Builders to the Ohio Valley

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Serpent Mound Discovered Within Chicago's City Limits

Serpent Mound Discovered Within Chicago's City Limits

The Serpent Mound is located in Thatcher Woods outside of Chicago, Illinois.  The Serpent is believed to have been constructed by the Winnebago Sioux Indians that were part of the Hopewell mound builders that constructed burial and effigy mounds in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Chicago, Illinois Serpent Mound Confirmed by University Anthropologists

Chicago, Illinois Serpent Mound Confirmed by University Anthropologists

Isabel Wassons original drawing of the Serpent Mound in Thatcher Woods from the 1930s. According to Native American traditions, this mound was constructed by the Winnebago Indians.

      According to Jim Hodnapp, one of the founders of the Thatcher Woods Restoration Project the serpent mound is about 800 years old. Hodnapp described the serpent has with a huge egg within the mouth of the enormous snake.
Like the mound in Ohio a large fire pit was found within the egg. Hodnapp also pointed out that the serpent predates the Potawatomie Indians by hundreds of years.
  The Serpent mound was first discovered by geologists Isabel Wasson in the 1930s and verified by anthropologists from the University of Chicago.
According to Hodnapp, the serpent is going to be restored using Wasson's original map.


Monday, September 1, 2014

Warren County, Ohio's Ancient Serpent Mound

Warren County, Ohio's Ancient Serpent Mound

Diagram detailing the sharp bends of the Serpent's body. Another identical serpent still exists in Indiana.

This ancient treasure trove was destroyed in the 1960s by a gravel company. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Trinity, the Frog Effigy and Symbolism at Ohio's Famous Serpent Mound

The Trinity, the Frog Effigy and Symbolism at Ohio's Famous Serpent Mound

History of Adams County Ohio, 1888

     Prof. McLean, author of several popular works on archaeology, dis- 
covered that there are two other crescent-shaped elevations between the 
precipice and the north extremity of the egg-shaped figure, extending 
nearly parallel with the curves forming the north extremity of the oval, 
which he thinks are intended to represent the hind legs of a frog leaping 
from the precipice to the creek below. It is his theory that the frog, the 
oval, and the serpent are symbolical of the three forces in Nature: the 
creative, the productive, and the destructive; the frog representative of 
the first ; the oval, an egg emitted by it as it leaps from the precipice to the 
creek below, the second ; and the serpent in the act of swallowing the egg, 
the third. 

Friday, May 3, 2013

Aerial Photo of the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

Aerial Photo of the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

Aerial photo of the Serpent Mound in Ohio
Early postcard of the Serptn Mound in Ohio

Thursday, April 25, 2013

666 and the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

Aerial View of the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

 The famous Serpent Mound in Ohio from Google maps.  The serpent rests on a steep bluff that was caused by a meteor strike.  The Serpents head is aligned to the summer solstice sunset.  The Serpent also faces the confluence of 3 streams, has 3 bends in the body and the tail coils 3 times. The length of the serpent is 1332 feet long or 666 X 2.
  3 was a magical number of the Adena mound builders.  Many of their mounds are in groups of 3.  Just up the road at Fort Hill is a large hilltop enclosure that is also serpentine in form that has 33 gateways.

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Serpent Mound Discovered in Ohio

New Serpent Mound Discovered in Ohio

An identical Serpent Mound is located in Clinton County, Ohio situated next to a burial mound that contained over 100 burials before being looted by the Ohio Historical Society.

This is the burial mound next to the Serpent that was an ossuary or charnel house before being capped with earth.

This serpent mound located near Chillicothe Ohio is an example of the Serpent being the consort of the Earth Mother.  Serpent mounds at burial mounds at burial sites were constructed to "protect" the dead.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Serpent Mound and Burial Mounds in Chicago, Illinois

Serpent Mound and Burial Mounds in Chicago, Illinois

THE most southerly point on the west shore of Lake Michigan where traces of ancient labor can be found, is about four miles south of the “State line” between Wisconsin and Illinois. These works are doubtless burial-places, and consist of a series of round or conical mounds, nine in number, from three to five feet in height, and about thirty feet in diameter, arranged in a serpentine row along the crest of a ridge of sand, an ancient lake beach, which extends for many miles along the lake shore. (See Fig. 1.)

Also found in Chicago is this Serpent Mound located within a Park in the City.  The  location of this serpent mound is somewhere in Thatcher Park, but I have yet to investigate it to give an exact location.

      We first saw this beach in the road three miles north of Racine, and traced it at intervals into the State of Illinois. It has an elevation estimated at fifty feet above the present level of the lake, and at the mounds affords a good view of the country on both sides. It is here about half a mile distant from the lake. It consists of sand and gravel, and rests upon a bed of hard clay. There is no doubt that this ridge extends south to the end of the lake, and is connected with the remarkable series of ridges described by Prof. Shepard.1 It is occupied by the main road from Milwaukee to Chicago, and is frequently so broad on the top as to afford room for buildings.

Map shows locations of trails and Indian Burial Mounds in the City of Chicago

 Amer. Journ. of Science and Arts, XXXIV. 134.

Serpent links from “Mound builders”

Ohio's Serpent Mound Visitors Guide

Origins of Ohio's Great Serpent Mound is in Scotland

Ohio's Great Serpent Mound Visitors Guide

Visual Tour of the Serpent Mounds in the Ohio Valley

Large Stone Alter Reported Near Ohio's Famous Serpent Mound

Serpent Mound Discovered in Indiana

Serpent Effigy and Indian Fort Wisconsin

Possible Serpent Effigies in Waukesha County, Wisconsin

Adena Serpentine Enclosure in Hamilton County, Ohio

Ohio Mounds: Adena Hilltop Serpentine Enclosure in Hamilton County

Serpent Mound in Peebles, Ohio and its Ancient Symbolism

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ohio Mounds: Adena Hilltop Serpentine Enclosure in Hamilton County

Adena Hilltop Serpentine Enclosure in Hamilton County, Ohio


       This work is strictly analogous to the other hill-works already described, and is so well exhibited in the engraving as to need little explanation. It occupies the summit of a steep, insulated hill, and consists of a wall carried along its brow, composed of earth, thrown as usual in such cases from the interior. The wall conforms strictly to the outline of the hill, except at the west, where there is a considerable promontory, which is left unenclosed. Upon this promontory is a mound, corresponding doubtless in its purposes with the one on the principal avenue of approach to the remarkable fortified hill, higher up on the Miami, in Hamilton county The late President Harrison regarded this work as admirably designed for defence, and as evincing extraordinary military skill. He says:
      "The work at the mouth of the Great Miami was a citadel, more elevated than the Acropolis of Athens, although easier of access, as it is not like the latter a solid rock, but upon three sides is as nearly perpendicular as could be, to be composed of earth. A large space of the low ground was, however, enclosed by walls uniting it with the Ohio. The foundation of that (being of stone as well as those of the citadel) which formed the western defence, is still visible where it crosses the Miami river, which, at the period of the erection of the work, must have discharged itself into the Ohio at a point much lower down than it now does. I have never been able to discover the eastern wall of the enclosure; but if its direction from the citadel to the Ohio was such as it should have been, to embrace the largest space with the least labor, there could not have been less than three hundred acres enclosed.

Serpentine walls of the gateway in Butler County, Ohio that lead to a sacred via that moves down the hill towards a large burial mound at the bottom. Burial mounds were once on the hilltop, but have all been destroyed by archaeologists. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Serpent Mound in Peebles, Ohio and its Ancient Symbolism

Serpent Mound in Peebles, Ohio and its Ancient Symbolism

Historic Photo of the Serpent Mound in Peebles, Ohio

Adams County, Ohio Serpent Mound

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, 1848
      Probably the most extraordinary earthwork thus far discovered at the West is the Great Serpent mound, of which a faithful delineation is given in the accompanying plan. It is situated on Brush creek, at a point known as "Three Forks," on entry near the north line of Adams County, Ohio. No plan or description has hitherto been published of the serpent mound; nor does the fact of its existence appear to have been known beyond the secluded vicinity in which it occurs. The notice first received by the authors of these researchers was exceedingly vague and indefinite, and led to the conclusion that it was a work of defense, with bastions at regular intervals—a feature so extraordinary as to induce a visit, which resulted in the discovery here presented. The true character of the serpent was apparent on the first inspection. It is situated upon a high, crescent-form hill or spur of land, rising one hundred and fifty feet above the level of Brush creek, which washes its base. The side of the hill next the stream presents a perpendicular wall of rock, while the other slopes rapidly, though it is not so steep as to preclude cultivation. The top of the hill is not level but slightly convex, and presents a very even surface, one hundred and fifty feet wide by one thousand long, measuring from its extremity to the point where it connects with the table land. Conforming to the curve of the hill, and occupying its very summit, is the serpent, its head resting near the point, and its body winding back for seven hundred feet, in graceful undulation, terminating in a triple coil at the tail. The entire length, if extended, would be not less than one thousand feet. The accompanying plan, laid down from accurate survey, can alone give an adequate conception of the outline of the work, which is clearly and boldly defined, the embankment being upwards of five feet in height by thirty feet base, at the center of the body, but diminishing somewhat towards the head and tail. The neck of the serpent is stretched out and slightly curved, and its mouth is opened wide as if in the act of swallowing or ejecting an oval figure, which rest partially within the distended jaws. This oval is formed by an embankment of earth, without any perceptible opening, four feet in height, and is perfectly regular in outline, its transverse and conjugate diameters being one hundred and sixty and eighty feet respectively. The ground within the oval is slightly elevated: a small circular elevation of large stones much burned once existed in its center; but they have been thrown down and scattered by some ignorant visitor, under the prevailing impression probably that gold was hidden beneath them. The point of the hill, within which this egg-shaped figure rest, seems to have been artificially cut to conform to its outline, leaving a smooth platform, ten feet wide, and somewhat inclining inwards, all around it. The section A B will illustrate this feature. Upon either side of the serpent's head extend two small triangular elevations, ten or twelve feet over. They are not high, and although too distinct to be overlooked, are yet too much obliterated to be satisfactorily traced. Besides a platform, or level oval terrace, at B, and large mound in the center of the isthmus connecting the hill with the table land beyond, there are no other remains, excepting a few mounds, within six or eight miles—none, perhaps, nearer than the entrenched hill in Highland county, thirteen miles distant. There are a number of works lower down on Brush creek, towards it mouth; but their character is not known. The point on which this effigy occurs commands an extensive prospect, overlooking the "bottoms" found at the junction of the three principal tributaries of the creek. The alluvial terraces are here quite extensive, and it is a matter of surprise that no works occur upon them.
The serpent, separate or in combination with the circle, egg, or globe has been a predominate symbol among many primitive nations.
The serpent depicted swallowing an "egg" or "sun disc" was a prevalent symbol in the ancient world

      The serpent prevailed in Egypt, Greece, and Assyria, and entered widely into the superstitions of the Celts, the Hindu, and the Chinese. It even penetrated into America; and was conspicuous in the mythology of the ancient Mexicans, among whom its significance does not seem to have differed materially from that which it possessed in the old world. The fact that the ancient Celts, and perhaps other nations of the old continent, erected sacred structures in the form of the serpent, are one of high interest. Of this description was the great temple of Avebury, in England—in many respects the most imposing ancient monument of the British Islands. An Old Stone Circle or Fort was located north of the Serpent Mound. For more info

The Serpent Mound is best viewed from a tower that is accessible at the park. This photo looks west toward the serpent’s head swallowing the egg; that is symbolic of the sun. Many of the Allegewi henges are aligned to solar events, as is the Serpent which is aligned to the summer solstice sunset. William Romain revealed in Mysteries of the Hopewell, Astronomers, Geometers and Magicians of the Eastern Woodlands, 2000; that each of the curves in the snake’s body is aligned to the moon's maximum and minimum sets and rises in it's 18-year cycle. This Serpent is the best example of the Allegewi’s reverence for the number three. The Serpents head is pointed to the three forks of Brush Creek. The Serpent has three bends in its body, and the tail circles three times. Nearby, at the Ft. Hill earthwork, there are thirty-three gateways that interrupt the serpentine walls.

This is one of several mounds near the Serpent that has been determined to be Adena by the artifacts found within the mound.

Adena skeleton uncovered three feet below the surface of the mound. Diggers removed the bones below the knees before the skeleton was uncovered. The skeleton was over 7 feet in length.

While the Serpent mound may seem to be the only one in Ohio, There are many earthworks in the Ohio Valley that were serpentine in shape.  One of the best is still visible in a public park. For more info on this Serpent mound,