google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: 33
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Showing posts with label 33. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

666 and the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

Aerial View of the Famous Serpent Mound in Ohio

 The famous Serpent Mound in Ohio from Google maps.  The serpent rests on a steep bluff that was caused by a meteor strike.  The Serpents head is aligned to the summer solstice sunset.  The Serpent also faces the confluence of 3 streams, has 3 bends in the body and the tail coils 3 times. The length of the serpent is 1332 feet long or 666 X 2.
  3 was a magical number of the Adena mound builders.  Many of their mounds are in groups of 3.  Just up the road at Fort Hill is a large hilltop enclosure that is also serpentine in form that has 33 gateways.