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Showing posts with label adena mound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adena mound. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Adena Burial Mound Located in the Camden, West Virginia Amusement Park

Adena Burial Mound Located in the Camden, West Virginia Amusement Park

This burial mound is located within the Camden Amusement Park in Huntington West Virginia.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Lumberton Adena Mound in Clinton, County Ohio

Lumberton Adena Mound in Clinton, County, Ohio

The Lumberton mound is close to tumbling down the bluff on which it sits. Lumberton is north of Wilmington in Clinton County.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Chillicothe, Ohio's Largest Burial Mound

Chillicothe, Ohio's Largest Burial Mounds is Hidden From the Public

Going to Ohio to visit the ancient burial mounds and earthworks? Just know, many of the largest burial mound locations are kept secret by the Ohio Historical Society. These mounds are listed as "address restricted." It is YOU that they are restricting from knowing where they are. Since the publication of "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley," these restrictions have been lifted, with direction to ALL of Ohio's ancient sites provided. For a sneak peek of 32 of the largest burial mounds in Ohio (25 are Address Restricted) follow this link 

One of Ohio's largest burial mounds is located to the north of Chillicothe, Ohio.

Ohio Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. VII, 1900
   The Austin Brown mound is one of the largest in the state. 'It stands thirty—eight feet high having a base of one hundred and sixty—five feet and is located near Brown Chapel in Scioto township (Ross County). It lies upon the second terrace of the Scioto and is made up of a rich, brown clay containing not a pebble or stone. “We went up the side thirty-four feet from the edge and sunk a shaft on the east side. It was ten feet down to the baseline at this point. We then started a large tunnel and worked in under from this point. We soon struck quantities of rotten timbers or logs and a heavy decay line. We found a fine rotary arrowhead. There were many soft spots of black earth. Twenty feet from the mouth of the tunnel we struck a log ten inches in diameter running north and south. “From indications, I think that at the time of building this mound they felled the trees and covered them up without clearing. “We sent several 'side tunnels. When the main tunnel passed the

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Adena Henge or Sun Temple is Discovered in Chillicothe, Ohio

 Adena Mound Builders Henge is Discovered in Chillicothe

Adena or Beaker People Henge in England. A "henge" is defined by a circular earthwork with an outer wall and interior ditch that is usually breached by a gateway that is aligned to a solar event. 

   A 2500 year old earthwork called a henge that was an earthen temple dedicated to the Sun god has been located in Chillicothe, Ohio.  Archaeologist at the Hopewell Culture National Park in Chillicothe were clueless of its existence, despite being literally in their back yard.  

   The henge in Chillicothe appears to be the standard size of this type that is 210 feet in diameter and 660 feet in circumference.  The surrounding ditch would have been 30 feet wide.  The best preserved of these henge types is at Mounds State Park.

This is the henge located at Mounds State Park in Anderson, Indiana. The henge at Chillicothe, Ohio is the same size.  Note the burial mound in the center of the middle platform.  At Mounds State Park this henge aligned with the adjoining works to align to the Summer and Winter Solstices.  It was later destroyed by Indiana University archaeologists who were completely ignorant to its importance as a solar marker.

Aerial photo of the Adena Sun Temple Henge in Chillicothe, Ohio.  It appears to be aligned to the Summer Solstice sunrise.  Also note, the dot in the middle of the central platform shows that a burial mound was in the center.  Another Henge was opposite this one, but is only faintly visible.  What appears to be a sacred via is also visible extending from the north portion of the gateway to the henge.

Another  Adena henge group is located in Cambridge City Indiana.  It, like the Adena henge in Chillicothe, Ohio has been plowed for many years.  This henge is the same size as Anderson and presumably Chillicothe.

Despite being plowed for years the Cambridge City, Indiana Adena henge is still visible in this field. It  is presumed that the Adena Henge in Chllicothe will look very similar to this.