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Showing posts with label cave man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cave man. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ancient Kentucky Cave Man Turds Reveal they were Vegetarians

Ancient Kentucky Cave Man Turd Reveal they were Vegetarians

In one little dwelling-place, at about three miles from the entrance to the cave, ' Putnam made out the footprints of a man shod with sandals, and a little further on he found the sandals themselves, made with great skill of interwoven reeds. The garments of the cave men were woven of the bark of young trees ; some black stripes traced on a piece of cloth so prepared, and fragments of fringe also found in the cave, bore witness to their taste for dress ; an other piece of stuff curiously mended gave proof of their industry. Remains were also picked up of gourds, often of considerable size, and two finely worked arrow-points. The ground was covered with human excrement, the analyses of which suggest that the inhabitants of the cave were vegetarians, but excavations have only yielded a few fresh-water mussel-shells almost entirely decomposed. The discovery of sandals, woven stuffs, the absence of the bones