google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Kentucky
Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kentucky. Show all posts

Monday, May 4, 2015

Adena Burial Mound and Sun Temple Discovered in Ashland, Kentucky

Adena Burial Mound and Sun Temple Discovered in Ashland, Kentucky

Burial mound and Sun Temple are visible in this photo.  The burial mound is now being conserved, but their was no mention of the earthwork.

The mound is visible on the left and the outline of the circle can still be seen in this aerial.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky and Tennessee Shell Mounds Were Early Dakota Sioux Hopewell

Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky and Tennessee Shell Mounds Were Early Dakota Sioux Hopewell

  Pre-Hopewell are called the Shell Mound Tradition. Shell mounds are found most extensively in southern Ohio and Indiana and in northern Kentucky. In Louis F. Burns bookThe History of the Osage” he writes, “Recent archaeological findings seem to indicate that both the Dhegiha Sioux and Chewere Sioux were the Indian-Knoll and Shell Mound culture of Kentucky and Tennessee.” Skeletal remains found in these shell mounds are identical to the later Hopewell showing that they had inhabited the Ohio and Wabash Valleys for hundreds of years. The shell mounds in the interior reveal Laurentian type artifacts, however, they were different skull types than the shell mounds in the coastal regions, the Dakota Sioux having long heads and the Laurentian/Adena round.
According to Native Americans, the only people that have claimed heredity to the Hopewell mounds and earthworks are the Dakota Sioux Nations. The descendants of the Hopewell are the Dakotan or Siouan family comprised of these known Nations. The Winnebago, Omaha, Osage, Issati, Mandan, Missouri, Dakota, Iowa, Ottoe, Hidatsa (Crow), Blackfeet, Ogala, Ponka, Assinboin, Akansea, Kansa and others. There is also evidence that the Cherokee and the Iroquois may have a common origin with the Dakota. No records and only one tradition exist of war between the Iroquois and the Sioux, west of the Alleghenies, but both of these people maintained bitter and hereditary war against the Algonquin. The prehistoric Siouan people were neighbors in the Carolinas of the prehistoric Iroquois, and the two people more or less allied in language and having similar customs.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Nephilim Sun Temple 666 Feet in Circumference in Madison County, Kentucky

Nephilim Sun Temple 666 Feet in Circumference in Madison County, Kentucky

This map of the two henges at the Bogy Mill was originally published in The Prehistoric Men Of Kentucky by Colonel Bennett Young in 1910. The smaller henge has a circumference of 450 feet and the larger was reported at 663 feet. The larger was more likely 666 feet and Young gave it a more benign measurement.
666 was the Gematria numerology codex for the Sun. Gematria was developed by the accounted giant race in the Bible called the Amorites. More on Gematria numerology within the Ohio Earthworks here

The Prehistoric Men of Kentucky, 1910

The best types of these circular enclosures are found in Fayette, Montgomery, and Madison county(s). Silver Creek, in Madison County, seems to have been a favorite place not only for the construction of mounds for habitation, but also for the erection of enclosures and ceremonial structures. Three of these can be found within a distance of three miles on Silver Creek—two of them on the land of Mrs. Fred Ferris, eight miles from Richmond, near a post office called Ruthton. They are both remarkable products of the prehistoric age, and one of them is practically untouched and uninjured. These two structures lie on the north side of Silver Creek, and with the exception of the circular enclosure on the North Elkhorn in Fayette, there is no earthwork better preserved in Kentucky than the small one of these. It was built on the spur of a hill coming down toward Silver Creek and nine hundred feet from the water line, with an elevation of probably fifty feet above the stream. On the west side was a steep slope, on the east side another slope, while on the north side it was only lifted about four or five feet above the original surface, and on the south side there was a descent to silver Creek.

Squire Boone, a brother of Daniel, in passing down Silver Creek noted the fine location of this particular point for a mill site, and told his companions it would be one of the best of such sites in Kentucky. In the early pioneer days a mill was erected by James Bogy at this place. He patented the land and died some time early in the Nineteenth Century, and chose the middle of the smaller of these structures for a family burying-ground. The larger structure consists of an embankment six hundred and sixty-three feet in circumference, inside of this moat or ditch. The height of the embankment has an average of four feet, the ditch a depth of from four to six feet. The width of the wall at the base is thirty-six feet, the width of the ditch forty feet. This ditch had evidently been filled up several feet by decaying vegetation and by erosion. The diameter of the inside plateau, or space surrounded by ditch, is one hundred and thirty-five feet. These structures are only about four hundred feet apart. The second is smaller but retains its form more perfectly, and is splendid demonstration of the symmetry with which these enclosures were laid out. It consists of an earthen embankment thirty-six feet in width. Inside of it is a ditch twenty-one feet wide, with a present depth of ten feet. The circumference of the embankment is four hundred and fifty feet. Inside of the ditch is a raised spaced with a diameter of seventy-five feet. This is covered now with a perfect sod of bluegrass, and trees are growing upon it, which show an age of one hundred and twenty-five years. The Bogy family, who patented this land, recognizing the splendid situation of this prehistoric structure and the symmetrical form of the plateau inside the ditch, with its seventy-five feet of diameter, appropriated it for a family burying-ground. These burials began in the Eighteenth Century and continued down to 1850. Every available space in the circle has been occupied by these intrusive burials. White and colored pioneers were here laid side by side. […]
North of Mrs. Ferris's place, about three miles farther down Silver Creek, is another of these enclosures, almost a counterpart of the two previously described.

This is an aerial from Microsoft Terra Server of the remaining smaller Bogy Henge. I was unable to access the site for a ground-level photograph because the drive back to the circle was gated. According to Kentucky law, if a member of the Bogy family asked that this graveyard be accessible, the owners of the property would be required to keep the gate open. The location of the Bogy circle is a half a mile east of Ruthton.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Ancient Kentucky Cave Man Turds Reveal they were Vegetarians

Ancient Kentucky Cave Man Turd Reveal they were Vegetarians

In one little dwelling-place, at about three miles from the entrance to the cave, ' Putnam made out the footprints of a man shod with sandals, and a little further on he found the sandals themselves, made with great skill of interwoven reeds. The garments of the cave men were woven of the bark of young trees ; some black stripes traced on a piece of cloth so prepared, and fragments of fringe also found in the cave, bore witness to their taste for dress ; an other piece of stuff curiously mended gave proof of their industry. Remains were also picked up of gourds, often of considerable size, and two finely worked arrow-points. The ground was covered with human excrement, the analyses of which suggest that the inhabitants of the cave were vegetarians, but excavations have only yielded a few fresh-water mussel-shells almost entirely decomposed. The discovery of sandals, woven stuffs, the absence of the bones

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Adena Enclosure Near Lexington Kentucky

Adena Enclosure near Lexington Kentucky

      This work is situated at the junction of the Town and South forks of the Elkhorn river, seven miles from the town of Lexington, Kentucky. Its character is sufficiently explained by the engraving. It is entirely singular in having a stream, of considerable size, running through it. The river has probably encroached upon its original proportions. About one hundred yards to the eastward of this work is a small, oblong enclosure, and a large, elliptical, truncated mound. Other mounds and enclosures occur in the vicinity