google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Newark Earthworks
Showing posts with label Newark Earthworks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newark Earthworks. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Ohio's Bird Effigy Symbolized the Souls Journey to the Afterlife

Ohio's Bird Effigy Symbolized the Souls Journey to the Afterlife

Bird effigy within this circular earthwork was surrounded by several mounds.
       A bird is usually symbolic of death and helping the deceased find their way from this life to the next. The bird effigies within the circular works at Newark and nearby at the Yost Works have been the sites of charnel houses with the birds representing and assuring that the deceased would find their way to the other world. 
Bird effigy inside of the large henge at Newark
      This idea is reiterated at the Great Henge at Newark that has a bird effigy in its center aligned to the east and within its center contained the remains of several charnel houses. A charnel house was a place in which the dead were brought and either remained in state until the bones were defleshed and subsequently cremated or bones may have been brought from another location for cremation or left in a bundle and covered with earth. Others may were placed extended on a clay platform with their accompaniment of grave goods and covered by earth, forming the mound.
The bird effigy at Newark is aligned to the May 1st sunrise that has been intepreted as the 'renewal of life.'

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mathematical and Geometric Connection Between the Egyptian Pyramids and the Newark Earthworks

Mathematics and Geometric Connection Between the Egyptian Pyramids and the Newark Earthworks
    Measurements and angles of the Newark earthworks are identical to those of the Great pyramid of Giza.
In addition a tablet with Hebrew script is discovered in a burial mound near the Newark earthworks.