google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Bee Hive Tombs
Showing posts with label Bee Hive Tombs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bee Hive Tombs. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bee Hive Tombs May Trace Cherokee Roots to Scotland

Bee Hive Tombs May Trace Cherokee Roots to Scotland

Bee-Hive Stone Tombs in Burial Mound in North Carolina

The Mound Builders: their Works and Relics. By Rev. Stephen D. Peet., 1892
     The bee-hive vault has been dwelt upon as proff, but the bee-hive vault resembles the bee-hive huts, which are common in Scotland,as much as it does any structure found in Southern Ohio. Shall we say that these bee-hive vaults prove Cherokees to have come from Scotland? The Cherokee are said to have been very white, and might almost be called white Indians. Shall we trace the Cherokee back to the white race, which according to some, was allied to the Aryan? Their language is said to be related to the Dakotas. The ealiest known migrations of the Dakotas from the east. Shall we then, trace both the Dakotas and Cherokee back to the isalnd of Great Britain, making their route of their migration to be the way by Iceland and the coast of Labrador, and take the coincidence between the bee-hive huts and bee hive vaults and make out a case in that way?

                                                              Bee-hive tomb in Scotland