google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: North Fork of Paint Creek Henge Group in Ross County, Ohio

Saturday, March 12, 2016

North Fork of Paint Creek Henge Group in Ross County, Ohio

North Fork of Paint Creek Henge Group in Ross County, Ohio

Two large circular Adena earthworks called, Henges have been discovered near the mouth of the North Fork of Paint Creek.  The earthworks could date as early as 500 B.C.  They are located just to the north of the North Fork Earthworks that have recently been purchased.

Two large circular Adena earthworks called, Henges have been discovered near the mouth of the North Fork of Paint Creek.  The earthworks could date as early as 500 B.C.  They are marked on this map as "North Fork Henge."  The Henge group south of these is called the Junction Group Earthworks and have recently been purchased.

Adena Hopewell Earthwork Complex called the Junction Group included two henges that were 660 feet in circumference.

1930s aerial photo shows the two 660 foot henges of the Junction Group.

The North Fork Henge located to the North of the Junction Group is clearly visible in this aerial photo from 1993.