google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Adams County, Ohio's Ancient Mounds and Earthworks

Friday, March 4, 2016

Adams County, Ohio's Ancient Mounds and Earthworks


Ohio historic map shows the locations of the mounds and earthworks in Adams County, Ohio

     The great "Serpent Mound" of Adams County is in many respects the most remarkable of
  Ohio's prehistoric monuments, and ranks among the greatest of the world's so-called effigy 
mounds. It is located in northern Bratton township and occupies an eminence which 
temiinates in a sheer precipice towering nearly 100 feet above the bed of Brush Creek.
 The Serpent  proper is 1,254 feet in length, meandering along the convolutions,
 with a height of nearly 5 feet. There are three principal convolutions of the body, giving 
a very realistic  undulating effect, While the tail is coiled twice around. The head is
 somewhat coventional,being triangular in shape, with the anterior side of the triangle
 concaved to form the  mouth. Before the mouth is an Oval figure 120 feet long and 60
 feet wide which the serpent apparently is about to swallow. See all of Ohios largest burial 
mounds here

Near Winchester, Ohio is a large burial mound that was once part of an
earthwork   complex that included three circular works, each 150 feet in

Adams county is rich in mounds and earthworks of the aboriginal peoples of Ohio, 
particularly along Brush creek and its tributaries and along the Ohio river. Several 
pictographs,    mostly in the form of human footprints cut in the exposed rock surfaces, 
are to be seen along the Ohio river, near the mouth of Stout's run, in Green township.