google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Demoret Adena Burial Mound in Butler County, Ohio

Friday, August 22, 2014

Demoret Adena Burial Mound in Butler County, Ohio

Demoret Adena Burial Mound in Butler County, Ohio

The largest mound of this group must have been destroyed at some time, leaving this smaller mound of the group as the only one to survive the urban sprawl. It is situated next to a new home, however it has been left with thick underbrush and trees growing on it that make it difficult to see.
The Mound Builders, Archaeology of Butler County, Ohio, 1879:

On the farms of William Hogan and Charles Borger, section twenty-one, is group of mounds, six in number. A plan of these given in Fig. 56.
The largest is twenty-six feet high with a base eighty feet in diameter. The rest vary in height, ranging from three to eight feet. The illustration gives the relative sizes, positions and distances of the mounds composing the group. The group is situated on the highest point of land in the township, and from the summit of the largest mound a view of the surrounding country can be obtained. To the east, if the forest trees did not intervene, the city of Hamilton could be seen; while to the south it overlooks the Colerain Hills.
  Mr. L. Demoret looked up the history of and the stories concerning this mound, and writes as follows:
“About the year 1820 this mound was opened by a man named Young, assisted by the Keever brothers, in hopes of finding a treasure chest. They worked only during the hours of darkness, and in perfect silence, in the belief that the chest never could never be reached if a word was spoken while at work. A story was started, and believed by many, that the chest was finally discovered, when one of the diggers exclaimed: ‘I’ve got it at last!’ whereupon it slipped from his fingers and vanished, leaving a smell of brimstone in the air.
“The tunnel was started on the north side, about half way up the slope, and ran downwards at an angle of thirty-five degrees, for a distance of thirty feet, when the center was reached, from which point it was carried eastwardly several feet. It was stated at the time that the center of the mound gave the appearance of having been once a hut formed of leaning timbers to sustain the great weight of earth. Within this vault were found a stone back-wall, coals and ashes, and human bones.”