google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Fort Wayne and Indiana's Link To Stonehenge

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fort Wayne and Indiana's Link To Stonehenge

Fort Wayne and Indiana's Link To Stonehenge

When you think of Stonehenge, you think of the stones, right?  So, what about the "henge" part?

Surrounding Stonehenge is a henge earthwork.  A henge is a circular earthwork with an interior ditch and exterior wall with a gateway aligned to a solar event.  Stonehenge is aligned to the summer solstice sunrise.

The symbolism and function of Stonehenge are important aspects when comparing the henge groups in southern England and Indiana.  The gateway is aligned so that a heel stone in the avenue will throw the the sun's shadow directly into the center of the U shaped trilithons.  The U shaped trilithons represents the vulva of the Earth Mother that is impregnated by the Sun Father.

Henge in England constructed by the Amorite Beaker People.  Soon after their arrival in England (2500 B.C.) the Amorites stopped erecting stone circles within the henges, they were replaced by earthen mounds in the center of the inner platform.

   Henges are common in northern Europe, the Britsh Isles and the Ohio Valley.  They were constructed by whom the archaeologists call the 'Beaker People," and who Biblical scholars call the Amorites. The Amorites were known for their great size. According to the Book of Jubilees (xxix. [9] 11), "the former terrible giants, the Rephaim, gave way to the Amorites.

Small henge with a burial mound within the center located near the larger Stonehenge.

Mounds State Park,in Anderson, Indiana map showing the solar aligment that centered on the cetral burial mound of the large henge.  The mound marked the solar alignents of the summer and winter solstices for over 2,000 years before being completley destoyed by Indiana University archaeologists. 

Mounds State Parks south group of henges is the exeption to the rule that dictates the gateway of the henge be aligned to a solar event.  The gateway of the large henge is to the rising of the bright  star Fomalhaut. Fromalhaut is in the constellation of Pisces (the fish).

Note that the earthwork designated "F' at Mounds State Park was made to represent two intersecting circles making a vesica pisca in the center. This symbol was also symbolic of the female vulva. At Mounds State Park the alignment from the mound in the center of the largest henge to vesica shaped work is to the Winter Solstice sunrise. This is when the sun is at its lowest in the sky and it ae the  three days shortest days.  On the third day the sun moves back to the north, it is on this day that the Sun God is born.

Henge group at Cambridge City, Indiana.  The nortern henge is aligned to the summer solstice sunrise. On the winter solstice sunset, the sun will again align with the gateway.  The southern henge is aligned to the equinox sunrise and sunset.

This is what the southern henge looked like a few years ago.  The deep ditches and central platform still visible. The henge was recently completely covered with dirt by the landowner.  Indiana has made no effort to preserve this ancient treasure.

Another henge is located near Yorktown, Indiana.  The landowner is commited to  not letting university archaeologists damge this site as they have others in the State.

Henge site north of New Castle, Indiana.  6 of the henges and two mounds mounds are still visible in this public park. The site has been heavily damaged by Ball State archaeologists.
Mound #4 was contructed like that at Mounds State Park to represent the vesica or vessel of the fish.

Earthwork henge complex near Stonehenge. Like New Castle and Mounds State Park it has one large henge surrounded by smaller henges.  There also vesica shaped works in the group.

A single henge aligned to the summer solstice sunrise is located in the city of New Castle, Indiana.  It the same size of the henge in Allen County.

What archaeologists are calling the Adams earthwork was discovered or rediscovered by me in 2001. According to archaeologists rules they don't have to cite works from people they consider amateurs. Photo is looking into the gateway that is aligned to the May 1 sunrise.The inner ditch can be seen in the background and foreground. The outer wall was obliterated by farming.

Photo of the Allen County, henge site. Gateway is on the left, with the remains of the deep ditch that surrounded the circular inner platform visible to the right.  From a pipe that was found at this site it dates from 200 B.C. to 200 A.D. and was constructed by the Point Peninsula Iroquois. The Point Peninsula Iroquois were copying many of the burial mound and earthwork types that were being constructed by the Beaker People in southern Ohio and central Indiana.


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