google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: giant
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Showing posts with label giant. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Nephilim Gematria Numerology and the Sun Temple in Lexington, Kentucky

Nephilim Gematria Numerology (555) and the Sun Temple in Lexington, Kentucky

The Lexington Henge has a gateway that faces the equinox sunset. Several other earthworks existed that adjoined this one but are no longer visible. One of these earthworks had a side that was 1,080 feet. This number is of interest because it also is the length of the graded way at Piketon, Ohio and is the length of one of the sides of the rectangular work at Winchester, Indiana, both of which are attributed to the Adena. The Hopewell-Sioux also had several square works combined with circular works where the sides of the squares were 1,080 feet (see Chillicothe, Ohio). See the complete video on the Gematria numerology discovered within the sacred geometry of Ohio's earthworks
This henge along with another at Charleston, West Virginia is 555 feet in circumference with a gateway 33 feet wide. Also at Charleston, West Virginia was a henge 666 feet in circumference. The importance of these numbers is that the square root of 1,080 is 33. Pi times 555 is 1,746 which is the sum total of adding 1,080 and 666. Further research reveals that 1,080 is the ancient Babylonian number for the Moon and 666 was the number for the Sun. 

Historical Sketches of Kentucky by Lewis Collins, 1874
There are several remains in the northern part of Fayette County, which appear to be vestiges of ancient Indian fortifications. Thirty years ago, there was a small and very intricate one on the plantation of the late Col. William Russell; but it was examined in the summer of 1846, and found to be nearly obliterated. There are three, two of them still very distinct, near the dividing line between the old military surveys of Dandridge and Merideth, of which a brief description may be interesting. The most easterly of those is on the estate of C.C. Moore, Esq. It is on the top of a high bluff, on the west side of the North Elkhorn, in the midst of a very thick growth, mostly of sugar trees. The area within a deep and broad circular ditch is about a quarter of an acre of ground. The ditch is still deep enough, in some places, to hide a man on horseback. The dirt taken from the ditch is thrown outward; and there is a gateway where the ditch was never dug, some ten feet wide, on the north side of the circle. Trees, several hundred years old, are growing on the bank and in the bottom of the ditch, and over the area, which it encloses, and the whole region about it. A hundred yards, or thereabout, from the work, down a gentle slope, and near a large spring branch, there was, about the commencement of this century, a circular ditch enclosing a very small area, probably not above ten feet wide, within the inner margin of the ditch, which was broad, flat, and obscure at that time.

The Lexington Henge is what is left of a larger earthwork complex that included an enclosed village site and additional circles. This henge is now the property of the University of Kentucky and is situated about 100 yards from the road. Photo from, "The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley."