google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: fortification
Showing posts with label fortification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fortification. Show all posts

Friday, November 11, 2011

Ancient Adena Hopewell Fortification Located North of Chillicothe Ohio in Ross County

Ancient Adena Hopewell Fortification Located North of Chillicothe Ohio in Ross County

       This work, unlike those just described, occurs upon the high table-land bordering the Scioto river bottoms, on the west bank of that stream, twelve miles above the city of Chillicothe. It consists of a single wall and ditch, cutting off a high promontory, formed by the declivity of the table land, and the bank of a wide and deep ravine. These banks are not far from one hundred feet in height, and at most points are absolutely inaccessible. It has a single gateway, opening towards a copious spring, at the head of the ravine just mentioned. The wall is four feet high, and the ditch of corresponding depth. There are no mounds within this enclosure, nor in its immediate vicinity; but a number of natural elevations are discernible, which an unpractised eye might mistake for works of art. In this instance, they may have subserved some of the purposes of the mounds. The water flowing through the ditch has formed deep gullies at the points where it terminates. The soil is here clayey and hard. The level at the foot of the promontory upon which this work stands, is the first or latest-formed terrace of the Scioto; indicating that the river, at one period, swept along where the Ohio canal now passes.