Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Cedar banks
Travel to Ruins of Ancient America's Mound Builders. A complete list of Ohio Indian mounds, Indiana Indian mounds, Kentucky Indian Mounds, Wisconsin Indian mounds, Michigan Indian mounds. Adena Hopewell mound builders, giant human skeletons, Nephilim
Adena Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks are Identical at Cedar Banks and Yorktown, Indiana
Henge mapped at the Cedar Bank ceremonial center in Chillicothe, Ohio. Unlike most of the henges in the Ohio Valley, this work had an earthwork inside of the interior ditch.
A singular henge is located in Delware County, Indiana. The gateway to this henge is aligned to the Winter Solstice sunset.
The farmer tiles excess water from the fields into the earthwork that floods the interior ditch. This photo shows the earthwork that protrudes out of the water on the interior of the ditch.