google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Iroquois Burial Mound on the I.P.F.W Campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Friday, February 6, 2015

Iroquois Burial Mound on the I.P.F.W Campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana

Iroquois Burial Mound on the I.P.F.W Campus in Fort Wayne, Indiana

The burial mound is submerged most of the year because the river is dammed. Several years ago an IPFW archaeology student tried to excavate the mound, luckily he was an idiot who tried in the winter when the mound surface if as hard as concrete. 

The History of Allen County, Indiana, 1888:

Prehistoric Remains” by R. S. Robertson

Still further down the river, on the east side, at the mouth of Breckenridge Creek, is a single mound, which has not been opened except a slight excavation in its side, which developed the customary lumps of charcoal. This point is about four miles north of Ft. Wayne, and is the most southerly point in the county at which mounds and earthworks are known to exist.