google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Nephi Earthen Fort and Adjoining Graveyard Described in Jefferson County, New York

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Nephi Earthen Fort and Adjoining Graveyard Described in Jefferson County, New York

Earthen Fort and Adjoining Graveyard Described in Jefferson County, New York

Ancient  fort and adjoining graveyard located in Le Ray Township near Watertown

     In the same township with the foregoing work, and about four miles distant, in a northwest direction, is the work here represented. It occupies a small sandy elevation, situated in the midst of the low grounds. It is lozenge-shaped, and is the most regular of any ancient structure which has fallen under the notice of the author in the State. Where the lines are intercepted on the north, the ground is considerably elevated, and subsides abruptly, precluding the necessity of an embankment for defensive purposes. The sites of the ancient lodges, indicated by heaps of burned stones, calcined shells, fragments of pottery, etc., are yet to be traced, notwithstanding that the land has been for a considerable time under cultivation. Near this work skeletons have been frequently exhumed.