google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Nephilim Giant's Sun Temple Henge in Indiana

Monday, April 22, 2013

Nephilim Giant's Sun Temple Henge in Indiana

Nephilim Giant's Sun Temple Henge in Indiana

Indiana Geological Survey, 1862
Henry County, Indiana
About seven or eight miles west of New Castle, a number of Indian skeletons were disinterred in the constructing a turnpike, and about the same distance south of town some remarkable humans bones and skeletons of giant size were dug out, with other relics, during the making of the road.

Despite years of farming, the Nephilim giants henge site in Cambridge City, Indiana can still be discerned in this Google Earth photo.
Early map of the Nephilim Sun temple henges at Cambridge City, Indiana shows that the northern henge was aligned to the summer solstice sunrise (like Stonehenge) while the southern (best preserved) henge was aligned to  the Equinox.

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