google-site-verification: google1c6a56b8b78b1d8d.html Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: Baum Geometric Earthwork Constructed by the Adena Hopewell Works in Ross County, Ohio

Friday, November 11, 2011

Baum Geometric Earthwork Constructed by the Adena Hopewell Works in Ross County, Ohio

Baum Geometric Earthwork Constructed by the Adena Hopewell Works in Ross County, Ohio

      Work is situated on the right bank of Paint Creek, fourteen miles distant from Chillicothe. It is but another combination of the figures composing the work belonging to this series, just described; from which, in structure, it differs in no material respect, except that the walls are higher and heavier. It is one of the best preserved works in the valley; the only portion which is much injured being at that part of the great circle next the hill, where the flow of water has obliterated the wall for some distance. The gateways of the square are considerably wider than those of the other works,—being nearly seventy feet across. A large, square, truncated mound occurs at some distance to the north of this work. It is one hundred and twenty feet broad at the base, has an area fifty feet square on the top, and is fifteen feet high. Quantities of coarse, broken pottery are found on and around it. A deep pit, or dug hole, is near, denoting the spot whence the earth composing the mound was taken.